Thursday, July 19, 2012


Man, things have been very busy on my end. I apologize for not posting a bit more, but I've had to really focus on some life things. I've also been spending a lot of time focusing on writing. My latest manuscript, Garden of Elich Book 1, has FINALLY been finished and submitted to Siren Publishing. I think that because it is such an emotionally charged book it took me a little longer to churn it out.

I've started progress on the second book in the series and strangely enough, it is coming much more easily than the first. The next in the Devil Enchained series has also begun to be drafted out.

The most interesting project that I have started is a Menage Romance. I'll just say that in there are shifters, magic, and a whole lot of handsome men. Since I have to have the first three manuscripts completed before they can be submitted for publishing, it might be a ways out. Once I finish DE3, I plan to turn my attentions upon it fully. We'll see how it goes!

On a side note, August is just around the corner. That means that Siren's Convention is just around the bend to! I'm very, very excited for it. I've booked the hotel room and now I need only get the plane ticket. I can't wait to see any of you fellow authors or readers that will be in attendance!

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